Let me introduce myself, I am 15 years old, just an ordinary teenager and my name is Maya Larasati. Usually I am a shy person, at first. But, once you know me well, maybe 'shy' is really far from me. I live in Bandung since I was born. FYI, my date of birthday is March 4th, if you ever want to know...
I study at 3 Senior High School Bandung which is the best school in Indonesia. Well, there are so many smart people here and I have to study hard so I can get good grades and continuing education to a great college. But actually, I don't even know my passion yet. It's sad, really. My class is at X Science 3. Science is hard, but i don't even understand the subjects on Social, so i prefer Science. Some said that I am smart, but I just study when there are homeworks or exam. Sometimes i don't study at all... HEHE but I'm trying to always study now.
They said that I'm a cheerful person, and annoying though, but in a fun way (maybe, I hope). I can be the most desperate person too.. And I am the kind of person who sometimes is so panicked. And my friends said I am scary when I'm mad. But if i have to act that I'm mad, I can't and end up laughing. I'm bad at acting. Which means that I'm a honest person (or maybe no). I love scary stories! But, I end up scared to death when I'm going to sleep, but I'm curious....
Well, this is my second blog for English 'Lintas Minat'. Maybe you're wondering why my new blog title is 'XXX'. If you aren't, I'm going to tell you anyway. It's because XXX sounds mysterious and aluring (it was the only title on my mind actually). There's no other reason except that, please don't get it wrong:)). Well thanks for reading my introduction:) have a good day!